I couldn't resist posting some pics of this beauty I just brought home. She is a TSK, Blackstar Super Kaiser Gasser. 32cc Monster Motor. Very unique collective pitch mechanism and servo layout.
1/63 Cupp Model 21 Mini based on Kyosho VW 最高 Type2 ホットロッド ミシュラン
Black Star
I couldn't resist posting some pics of this beauty I just brought home. She is a TSK, Blackstar Super Kaiser Gasser. 32cc Monster Motor. Very unique collective pitch mechanism and servo layout.
Vintage RC Helicopters - TSK
最高 ジギング竿とリール
I couldn't resist posting some pics of this beauty I just brought home. She is a TSK, Blackstar Super Kaiser Gasser. 32cc Monster Motor. Very unique collective pitch mechanism and servo layout.
発送 佐川急便着払い 約 100サイズ
ポラロイド sc635 ショップ
I couldn't resist posting some pics of this beauty I just brought home. She is a TSK, Blackstar Super Kaiser Gasser. 32cc Monster Motor. Very unique collective pitch mechanism and servo layout.
1円~ 店頭受取限定 TSK 32cc ガソリンヘリコプター ブラックスター GS2 スーパーカイザー / エンジンRCヘリ ラジコンヘリの落札情報詳細 - Yahoo!オークション落札価格検索 オークフリー
1/63 Cupp Model 21 Mini based on Kyosho VW 最高 Type2 ホットロッド ミシュラン
Black Star
I couldn't resist posting some pics of this beauty I just brought home. She is a TSK, Blackstar Super Kaiser Gasser. 32cc Monster Motor. Very unique collective pitch mechanism and servo layout.
Vintage RC Helicopters - TSK
最高 ジギング竿とリール
I couldn't resist posting some pics of this beauty I just brought home. She is a TSK, Blackstar Super Kaiser Gasser. 32cc Monster Motor. Very unique collective pitch mechanism and servo layout.
Defi ファッション アドバンス用 FUEL PRESS ジュラン 熱圧計用アダプター
ショップ 激安販売!中古鉄骨プレハブの8坪(16帖)が850,000円。
ポラロイド sc635 ショップ